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Yearning To Gamble Blog

Yearning To Gambling? Tips for Online Gambling, Sports Betting, Spread Betting and Lottery

by:Troy Vail Copyright 2011

Ahhh! At last the yearning to gamble from the comfort of your home. I love to gamble Whether it’s sports betting or lottery.. I love gambling. The thrill of financial betting excites me. Now and then I’ve used lottery software with some success. Honestly, I’d rather have the help of the lottery software than not. Also, sports betting systems have greatly help with my winnings. Now, online gambling for those of us in the US has taken a turn for the worse. However, there is still hope.

Online Gambling

Online gambling for us US Citizens is illegal. Why? Well because on Friday October 13, 2006, President Bush signed a bill whose principal purpose is to tighten security measures for the nation’s sea ports. But attached to that bill at the very last minute – in order to prevent Democrats running for re-election next month from stopping it – was a federal ban on banking institutions knowingly transferring funds to businesses or individuals that may conduct gambling operations in states and areas where gambling is prohibited.

The “Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act” goes after the money, not the millions of players, which would be nearly impossible to enforce. It will essentially try to choke off the way Americans fund their gambling habits, hoping to prevent the transfer of dollars to the popular Internet sites. There are some sites that accept US customers but you must check with your individual state about online gambling laws.

Now while this puts a dampener on those in the US,for online gambling, there are still legal ways to get your bet on. There is a great article on Wired Magazine a wall street firm using algorithms to make sports betting like stock trading. The mere mention of any form of gambling make me grin. Here are some good betting items like the Football Code Betting Package or the NFL & College Betting system to help you hedge you bets or even John Morrison’s picks from over 500 of the world’s leading handicappers. Personally I like them all that’s why I’ve listed them!


Now that should stir something in you. Whether you play or not EVERYONE has had a least the thought of winning the big one! And as far as legality’s goes…this one you can do online. There are hundreds of online sites to choose from. But, you still need some sort of edge, or at least you’d like one. Here are some items you might like Formula 1 Lotto System that – -uses the exact and fool-proof algorithm of Professor X- or The World’s #1 Lottery System for Lotto .

Good luck and Happy Betting!

About the Author Troy Vail is a freelance writer, a indulger of cash gifting activities and an indulger of various forms of gambling with much success. The writings on the subject matters are purely for informational purposes only. Troy makes NO CLAIMS of being a professional gambler. You my visit Troy’s site at: http://www.lifebeyondchildsupport.com

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