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Wendover Casinos Choosing The Right Casino For Your Next Trip!


Wendover Casinos are a great place to win while you are vacationing in Wendover, Nevada which is located on the eastern boarder of Nevada and the western boarder of Utah. Situated alongside the Bonneville Salt Flats it is a great getaway for Utah residents as well as visitors from all over the U.S. and Canada […]

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Weaving Rag Rugs


With the emphasis in todays world on recycling, going green and not wasting our natural resources, I think we would be better off today if we had paid more attention to our ancestors. They had the practice of reusing items and not wasting anything from the start. One of the items that they recycled is […]

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Ways To Spend Free Money


Do you find that you spend money you happened to find differently than other money? What about time off that you were given just cause? There is something psychological that happens to our minds when it comes to freebies. We’ll obvious take the free mochachino sample being handed out at Starbucks even though we don’t […]

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