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The Rise Of Blackjack


One of the most popular casino games of today, the history of blackjack is an interesting one. There are several versions about the actual origin of the game and according to its history, blackjack was inspired by several European games like the -vingt-un- and -trente-et quarente- and -chemin de fer- of France along with other […]

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The Reason Why Casinos Are So Well Received


Perhaps it is the lighting, the music, the sounds of the slot machines, and the energy of excitement that fills every casino. Regardless if you prefer online or in person, you are sure to find the excitement of casinos. The History of Casinos The exact date of when casinos came into existence is not known, […]

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The Professional Card Counter’s BlackJack Reference Manual (2011 Edition)


The Professional Card Counter’s BlackJack Reference Manual (2011 Edition) Card counting is a card game strategy in which a player is given a statistical advantage in a card game. The player using these techniques is said to be called an “advantaged player”. Card counting usually refers to the game of Blackjack. Blackjack is one of, […]

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