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The K.i.s.s. Principle


What is the key to a great online poker article? Well, the fact is there is only one principle that needs be applied when it comes to online gambling articles i.e. the K.I.S.S. principle. In short (pun intended) this means, keep it short and simple. This simple rule ought to be sacrosanct for all gambling […]

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The Insurance Gamble 4 Possible Win Lose Outcomes


If you are thinking about buying life and/or health insurance OR you are justifying why you should not pay money for this type of insurance, then this is worth a read. Here, we will look at insurance like a gamble or a bet: there is a cost, and there is a winning scenario and a […]

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The Importance Of Headlines To Casino News Articles


It is stating the obvious when we say that headlines are the deciding factor for any gambling website writer in order make his work stand out among the endless online poker articles that are out there. But this is one point that cannot be stressed strongly enough. Remember, a headline for casino news article is […]

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