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Gambling In Indiana

Located in the mid west of the United States, the state of Indiana has a growing population of around six and a half million. Indiana, sharing its borders with Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois earns much of its income from manufacturing, especially steel. Such is the influence of the US steel company on Indiana, one of the principal cities of the state, Gary, is named after the former president of the company. The capital city of Indiana is Indianapolis, which has become famous over the years by among other things hosting the famous Indianapolis 500 motor race which is generally regarded as the largest single-day sporting event taking place anywhere in the world.

People in Indiana enjoy gambling and like many of the other states in the region, gambling in Indiana takes place on water, in the many river boats and barges that traverse the great lakes, or on Indian reservations. Not that all the players in Indiana are great lovers of sailing, more the fact that current legislation does not allow for any form of gambling to take place on dry land apart from that on Indian Reservations! There are around a dozen floating casinos active in Indiana, which barely covers the demand. Many of the local players spend their time and their cash in casinos in neighboring states, especially Illinois

It is hoped that this situation will change fairly soon, as more and more state legislators begin to realize that people like to gamble in their leisure time, and that the income from taxes will provide a tremendous economic boost for the state.

As has become the trend throughout the World, the game of Texas holdem poker has caught on big amongst the Indianans and is widely played on the floating river boat casinos, as well as the other popular table games such as blackjack, craps and roulette. Slots are aplenty and there are big prizes to be won on board.

The land based casinos are pretty lavish and offer hotel facilities, excellent restaurants and entertainment facilities suitable for all the family. The largest of all the casinos in Indiana is the Caesars, situated in the town of Elizabeth. The casino buildings are immense, covering 93000 square feet of casino gambling space alone. There are more than five hundred rooms available at Caesars for anyone wishing to make it a base for a long weekend and a starting off point to visit one or some of the many tourist attractions that abound in Indiana.

Projections are that some of the hardened views on casino gambling are softening and that gradually more land based facilities will become available to Indianans and out of state visitors who like to gamble. At the moment those who like to play are restricted to floating along the surf, or surfing the internet. All the games that they like to play are available online, through their favorite online casino. There they can play when they want without the risk of ever getting sea sick.

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