How To Stop Gambling Tip #3
This is the third part of my series on “how to stop gambling” tips. Just to review, stop gambling tip #1 was deciding whether or not you really wanted to stop gambling. Once you decided that you wanted to quit gambling, tip #2 was making a decision on a daily basis that you would not gamble on that given day.
Stop gambling tip #3 is a follow-up to tip #2. Once you made a decision on that given day, or given hour that you would not gamble, you would then begin to plan out your day. So with this tip, it is suggested that you plan out your day on a quarter hour, half hour, or hourly basis with activities that would fill your day.
In the process of quitting gambling, it is crucial that you fill your day, every day with productive activities that have nothing to do with gambling whatsoever. You need to keep yourself as busy as possible so that you do not have too much time on your hands.
The positive aspect of this tip is that because you have stopped gambling,you will have time to do some of the things that you have not done before.
When you were gambling, you most likely neglected or procrastinated a lot of things that you needed to or wanted to do for yourself.
For example,your plants outside may have needed repotting, or you may have neglected to clean the garage for several months on end.
You will most likely find yourself very busy with a lot of different projects since you have quit gambling and made the decision to improve your life.
In addition, you probably have many hobbies that you have not participated in while you were active in your gambling addiction. With this tip to stop gambling, you can now re-ignite the passion for these hobbies that you have neglected.
It is hoped that stop gambling tip #3 was helpful for you as one of the solutions to stop gambling in your arsenal.
All the best to you,
Michelle Tee