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Take The Best Online Casinos To The Cleaners

Rarely does a free piece of software come into my possession that is so spectacularly simple to use, amazingly effective and highly profitable inspire me to endorse it. Especially endorsement of a gambling aid or betting system, as I have witnessed, with over twenty five years in the gambling industry, many people, on a daily basis lose money.

But with the ‘Roulette Reaper’ software, you really can take even the best online casinos to the cleaners.

This revolutionary roulette beating software isn’t just the pathetically lame “red/black, stake doubling until you win” system that you are likely to have come across and even paid good money for.

This standalone software calculates the probability of 5 betting patterns including, red or black, odd or even, high or low, column bet and dozen bet simultaneously. Calculations are made through the user recording the result of every spin therefore creating a historical pattern which the software bases it’s winning prediction.

Don’t mis-understand me here, the system is not totally infallible. Not every prediction is a winning one, the average winning to losing bet sequence is around 7:1. But if you play the system and not the casino, by rigidly sticking to the system and accurately recording results every session will be a winning one.

What makes this software even sweeter is that you can download a free trial copy for your evaluation. The free trial allows the user ten launches of the full version of the software. Purchasing a registration key unlocks the software permanently, the price of which you can easily recoup in any one roulette session using the free trial. You can use this with any online casino, with any european roulette format, play or real money game and is completely undetectable.

In summary,

if more people, that like to have the occasional bet who are turning their attention to the ever increasingly popular online casino get wind of this, then the online casinos are going to be pleading for the ‘Roulette Reaper’ software to be banned.

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