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The Reason Why Casinos Are So Well Received

Perhaps it is the lighting, the music, the sounds of the slot machines, and the energy of excitement that fills every casino. Regardless if you prefer online or in person, you are sure to find the excitement of casinos.

The History of Casinos

The exact date of when casinos came into existence is not known, but the word “casino” comes from an Italian word “Casa” meaning home or house, which was originally meant at a small villa, but later changed the meaning to building that was made for pleasure or gaming. In China, they have an official account of practicing gambling in 2300 B.C., although there were no doubt earlier casinos, there is simply no record of them.

In Europe, the first casinos were in Venice, Italy in 1638 but were called Ridottos and it was a controlled gambling that happened during their carnival seasons, but this closed 1770 by the government.

In America, the earliest known casinos were called saloons and it is where people came to drink, socialize, gamble and were quite popular for travelers and locals alike. However, in the 20th century, gambling was completely outlawed in all states, but then in 1931 gambling became legalized in Nevada, then in the 1970’s, New Jersey legalized gambling in Atlantic City. Today, the largest casino concentration is Las Vegas, followed by Atlantic City, and in third is the Chicago region.

Revenues in the American Casino Markets

The amount of money that the top three casino markets earn in revenues is staggering, as of 2009, the amounts for the Las Vegas Strip were $5.5 billion, Atlantic City, $3.9 billion, and Chicago $2 billion. The casino industry helps bring in a large amount of money for the areas in which the casinos are located. In most areas, the age in which a person must be in order to gamble is 18 but in some states it is 21 years old.

Final Thoughts

Regardless if you decide to gamble in person at one of the many casinos or gamble online, always exercise caution in how much you play because gambling can become very addictive, which many people have had a difficult breaking. However, when done in moderation, it is one of the world’s best entertainment avenues.

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