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Winning Roulette System For Red And Black

This roulette system is for betting on RED/BLACK only, the theory behind this is that red and black are the only constant pattern on the roulette wheel. The pattern is only interrupted by the -0- and -00. The -circumstance- part of the roulette system is you need to wait of a particular -circumstance- to occur. All this is you need to wait for a color, any color, to hit three times in a row and then change. You then start betting on the color that hit three times in a row. For added -safety- you can wait for a color to hit five times and then change. NEVER change the color you are betting on once you start. The basis of the roulette system is actually the betting method, which is how to win at roulette and which is similar to a number of other betting methods but does allow for different levels of starting bank. The first level requires a starting bank of $225.00, buy 5 x $25.00 chips and 20 x $5.00 chips. The target level is around $75.00 for the session. The first bet is $25.00 on the selected color. If you win the next bet is $20.00, if you lose the next bet is $30.00. When you win a bet REDUCE your next bet by $5.00, if you lose INCREASE you’re bet by $5.00. The idea being is that the value of you winning bet will always be more than the value of your losing bet. If you have an equal number of winning and losing bets you will be ahead. The second level requires a starting bank of $450.00, buy 10 x $25.00 chips (5 x $50.00) and 40 x $5.00 chips (20 x $10.00). The first bet being $50.00 on the selected color. If you win decrease your bet to $40.00, if you lose increase your bet to $60.00. When you win a bet REDUCE your next bet by $10.00, if you lose INCREASE you’re bet by $10.00. The target for this level is around $150.00 for the session. The third level of this roulette system requires a starting bank of $900.00, buy 5 x $100.00 and 40 x $10.00. The first bet is $100.00. If you win the next bet is $80.00, if you lose the next bet is $120.00. When you win a bet REDUCE your next bet by $20.00, if you lose INCREASE you’re bet by $20.00. The target is around $300.00 for the session. The claim is that you should win 6 out of seven times and if you don’t spend more than the starting bank you will make a profit over the seven games equal to the bank you started with. Now my friends, you know how to win at roulette.


Find out new gambling systems and strategies and how to win at roulette at the gambling strategy website.

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