Einstein’s Roulette System
Einstein’s Roulette System developed to play the even chances, primarily Red/Black, but to achieve win optimization you can play (secondary) Hi/Lo or (in third place) Odd/Even as well. The chances Red/Black are primary, because of the balanced appearance on the (single zero) wheel (R-B-R-B etc). The system has 3 components: 1. The betting mode 2. The progression 3. The net-bet Per game a maximum of 30 spins is played (plus spins to complement a zero-spin). Per chance a session bankroll of 20 chips is recommended, with a total bankroll of 60 chips for psychological reasons. Maximum bet is limited to 8 chips per bet. See excel sheet “Einstein Form” as an example of the form to be used to chart the game. Columns used are: A: No = spin number; B: Bk = Black number that comes up; C: Rd = Red number that comes up; D: S/I = Same or Intermittent Mode column (see betting mode); E: +/- = Outcome evaluation of S/I column + for win, – for loss; F: Bet = Which colour to bet next; G: Rslt = Result (this is a 2-in-1 column). First you fill in the bet qty (number of chips to bet) and after the next number comes up you add either a + for win or – for loss to this figure; H – O: BetCalc = calculation of the bet quantity (G) (See progression); P: Net1: The net result for the betting progression used. This is NOT the nett outcome of actual betting because of the net bet component. Columns D till P are used to calculate the “PLUS- change” section of the game, columns R till AD are used to calculate the “MINUSchange” section of the game. For the meaning of the column headings R till AD, see above. Other columns: AE: Net bet = the net bet to be placed, calculated from columns F&G and T&U AF: Saldo = Net results of actual betting activities. 1: The Betting Mode The betting mode consists of 2 sections: the PLUS-change and the MINUS-change. PLUS-Change section: after the first spin has been charted, you will bet for S = same or series, which is written down in column D (S/I) for the second spin. So if the first spin produced a black, you will now bet for black for the second spin. If the second spin produced a black, S has occurred and a PLUS (+) is written in the E column. If red came up, a MINUS (-) is written. eg: No Bk Rd S/I +/- Notes 1 4 In PLUS-change section spin 2 is ALWAYS “S” 2 28 S + In the PLUS-change section, you CHANGE mode from S = series to I = intermittent or from I to S after a PLUS in the evaluation, and you stay in the same mode after a MINUS. So: after S + you play for I; after I + you play for S; after S – you play for S; after I – you play for I MINUS-Change section: after the first spin has been charted, you will bet for I = Intermittent, which is written down in column D (S/I) for the second spin. So if the first spin produced a black, you will now bet for red for the second spin. If the second spin produced a red, I has occurred and a PLUS (+) is written in the E column. If black came up, a MINUS (-) is written. eg: No Bk Rd S/I +/- Notes 1 4 In MINUS-change section spin 2 is ALWAYS “I” 2 25 I + In the MINUS-change section, you CHANGE mode from S = series to I = intermittent or from I to S after a MINUS in the evaluation, and you stay in the same mode after a PLUS. So: after S + you play for S; after I + you play for I; after S – you play for I; after I – you play for S. After filling in the D column (S/I) you fill straight away the F column in (for Bet) in the Plus- change section; same for columns R and T in the minus change section. So if you have an “S” in column D, and the last number spun was Red, you now write Red in column F for the next bet. eg: No Bk Rd S/I +/- Bet 1 14 2 18 S + R On the form it is pretty easy filling out these two sections. Once you have filled in the Plus-change section, the Minus-change section is always OPPOSITE the Plus-change section. If for example the result is S+ on 1 side, the other side always has I-. IF you bet Black on 1 side, you always bet Red on the other side. Rules: If you lost the bet on either side (Plus- or Minus-change side) 4 times in a row, betting on that loosing side is suspended till 2 plusses in a row have occurred. You still calculate what would have happened, to write down the plusses and minuses in column E, but no results are filled in (G). 2. The Progression The progression level of this system is recalculated after sub games of maximum 3 “played” spins. “Played” in this sense means every spin except for suspended bets. (see rules under 1. the betting mode). After a net result of zero or 1 chip or higher (depending on the betting level), the progression is reinitialized at 1 chip. Let’s clarify this with a couple of examples: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S 1 1 All games start with a bet of 1 unit. In the example above we are in the PLUS-change section of the form. All examples are valid for the MINUS-change section as well, but let’s concentrate on one side first. Say you start betting. Write a 1 in the Bet Calc column as above. Because it’s your first bet, on your first betting level, you write 1 in the Rslt column as well. Say the bet won. You now write a plus (+) in the Rslt column and a +1 in the Net1 column. You also strike through the bet in the betting Calculation column. Reason why is explained further below. You finished your first sub game, because you won with +1 units. Draw a line on your form from the Rslt to the Net1 columns. Let’s continue. The next sub game you start of with 1 chip again. Write a 1 in the Bet Calc column. Because it’s your first bet, on (again) the first betting level, you write 1 in the Rslt column as well. Your form should look like this by now: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 1 1 Say this bet lost. You now write the lost amount next in the column of the Bet Calc. You write -1 in the Rslt column. Write -1 in the Net1 column. You lost this bet, so you don’t strike anything through (this only happens when you win a bet). Your form now looks like this: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 -1 1 1 -1 Your next bet is 1 chip again on this level. Say you lost the following 2 bets. The form now looks like this: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 -3 This finishes this particular sub game and recalculation takes place because you finished 3 spins. Betting is now NOT reinitialized to 1 chip because your Net1 didn’t finish positive for this sub game. What happens next is you calculate all numbers written in the BetCalc columns since the last drawn line (in this sub game). You write the total in the next column and divide it by three (to be used for your calculation of the next 3 betting amounts). Of course the betting amounts have to be whole numbers, so the first number after recalculation is always higher or equal than the second number, which is higher or equal than the third number. In other words, 6 is divided to 2-2-2, 7 to 3-2-2, 8 to 3-3-2, 9 to 3-3-3 etc. Let’s go back to our example. The form now looks like: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 6 2 2 2 -3 To calculate the next bet, you take the first number after the division (a) and write it in the BetCalc column on the next line. The actual betting amount then is calculated by adding 1 chip to this number. You do this in ALL cases except for when the betting was just re-initialised to 1 chip, or at the start of each game. Say this next bet lost. You write the lost amount 2 + 1 = 3 next to the amount written in the BetCalc column, and add a – to the Rslt column. You calculate your new Net1 and fill it in. Your next bet is calculated by taking the second number (b) after the division column, and write it again in the BetCalc column as before. Say this bet lost again. Write in the appropriate columns, and transfer the third number (c) to the next line. Say this bet won. You now strike through the number in the BetCalc column. Please note: 1. that you strike through the number 2, while you actually bet 3 units in the Rslt column!! 2. in real play you would suspend betting after loosing the first 3 chips because you lost 4 times in a row. However, let’s continue for the purpose of this exercise. Your form should now look like: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 6 2a 2b 2c -3 -3 2a 3 -6 -3 2b 3 -9 3 2c -6 You again have finished a betting level, without getting to a positive Net1. Recalculation takes place. The new number to be divided by 3 is 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 10 Next bet is 4 + 1 = 5. You lost. Say next two bets are won. You now recalculate again. The new number to be divided is 4 + 5 = 9. First bet to be placed is 3 + 1 = 4 chips. You won. Your form should now look like: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S +1 1 +1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 6 2a 2b 2c -3 -3 2a 3 -6 -3 2b 3 -9 3 2c 10 4 3 3 -6 -5 4 5 -11 4 3 -7 4 3 9 3 3 3 -3 4 3 +1 This last win contributed to the Net1 going positive for the first time. This sub game is finished now, even though you didn’t bet the last 2 numbers after the division. (3 + 3). Draw a line under this sequence and start betting again after reinitialization to 1 chip. Rule: If the dividing number is equal to 3 (which in fact happens at the start of every game AND after re-initialization, the betting-level (and sub game) stops if the Net1 column is equal to 1. If the dividing number is greater than 3, the sub game stops if the Net1 column is greater or equal than Zero. 2 examples of how games could evolve in the beginning or after reinitialization: S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S -1 1 1 -1 +1 1 0 -1 1 1 4 2 1 1 -1 3 2 +2 or S/I Bet Rslt Bet Calc Net1 S -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 6 2 2 2 -3 +3 2 0 More Rules: 1. When a betting level in a sub game starts with 18 or more as the dividing number, this sub game will be finished when at least 2 out of the next 3 bets are won (on this side of the change section.). This happens EVEN IF this sub game has a negative Net1 column!!! The next bet will have 3 as the dividing number (reinitialization), so you bet 1 chip next. If only 1 bet wins, recalculation will start as normal (see rule 2). 2. The highest bet to be written in the Rslt column is capped at 9 units, meaning an 8 in the BetCalc columns. If the figure in the BetCalc columns is higher than 8, still use 8 (+1) as the betting size. Because of the netbet rule (see next section) the highest bet on the table is this way capped at 8 units. 3. If the Saldo column (last column on the form) reaches -14 units, you place 1 more bet. If the Saldo reaches -15 or lower, the game is ended with a loss. 4. The win limit per chance (Red/Black) is capped at +10 units or at 30 spins (+zero games). If this limit of +10 is reached for 1 chance pair, betting is stopped for that pair (eg Red/Black) and only the other pair (eg Hi/Lo) is played till 30 spins have finished.
Bringing It All Together
Here is how the game is played: 1. Record the number that has just come up in the Red or Black column. 2. Fill in the S/I columns of both the PLUS- and MINUS-change sections. 3. Fill in the colours to be bet next in the “Bet” columns in the two sections. 4. Calculate the next bet in the BetCalc columns of both sections. 5. Fill in these numbers in the Rslt columns of both sections. 6. Because the two sections will produce 2 bets on 2 different colours, it makes no sense to bet both bets. Calculate the difference between the two bets and write the result in the NetBet column. eg: 1b vs 2r = 1r 4r vs 7b = 3b 1b vs 1r = no bet. etc. 7. Place the bet 8. Watch the outcome, collect your winnings; 9. Record the number that has just come up in the Red or Black column; update the +/- columns of both sections; update the Rslt columns of both sections; update the BetCalc columns of both sections; update the Net1 and Net2 columns; update the Netbet columns and the Saldo column. 10. Start at 2. Zero game When the null comes up, the number is not written in any columns, but rather as a circle in between the black/red columns. The loss is written separately from the form presented and will have to be consolidated with the Saldo at the end of a game. This is to prevent breaking the sequence of calculations of the Calcbet and any other columns. Please note that the game is played over 30 spins exclusive the zero-game, so if 2 zero’s come up, you’d play a total of 32 spins.
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