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Blackjack For The Rich And Famous

Ever wondered what sports, music or Hollywood celebrities enjoy a hot game of blackjack now and then? Be it online or with a real deck of cards, celebrities love their blackjack just as much as we do.

Who’s Been Seen On the Blackjack Scene?h2>

Maroon 5’s Adam Levine has been seen playing blackjack and drinking water; a smart move for an experienced blackjack player because the more you drink the more mistakes you make-the more mistakes you make the more you lose. Way to go Adam. Sports figure’s like their blackjack as well. L.A. Dodger’s Matt Kemp not only dressed well but played well at a blackjack table in a popular casino. NBA superstar LeBron James recently play blackjack at an event which he also organized. Clearly, dropping $500 per hand, the man is talented not only in basketball but at a wicked game of blackjack as well. Is it me or does anyone else believe that Kim Kardashian seems to have her hands in almost everything? Well believe it or not she’s got an online blackjack game named after her. It’s not so much that the game is about Kim herself but about all the stars that appear in the background to distract you while you are trying to make your bets and figure out your strategies. Fun for all.

Blackjack Has its Own Stars

Just as TV poker tournaments made celebrities of some of today’s biggest poker names, TV blackjack is making stars of blackjack players. Max Rubin is not only an excellent player but a superb instructor helping others to master the game. Sam Vaughn won a one million dollar jackpot after years of play. Keith Taft created a computerized card counting machine; I do not however advise that you take it with you to a casino. Killer blackjack teams were created by partners Bill Kaplan and JP Massar. Edward Thorp is a hall of fame player and author of a best-selling blackjack instructional book. If you need help with your blackjack game be sure to check out wikipedia.

What do you want to be when you grow up Johnny?- A killer blackjack player Mommy. (Hoo-boy.)

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