How To Find Top A Quality Holdem Poker Website For Sale
If you are searching for a lucrative Texas Holdem Poker Website for sale this short article should be useful to you.
This is because I make Holdem Poker Websites for sale and have spent hours researching the market for Holdem Poker Websites for sale so that I can understand the market and design the kind of Website that people are actually looking for.
But before I explain where to find the good a quality Poker Website for sale, let me first summarize why anyone should be considering owning a Poker website in the first place.
So let me try to answer the following questions for you:
Why Own A Holdem Poker Website?
Because Poker is a huge, huge, industry turning over billions of dollars a year and anyone with a Poker-Related website (that gets a reasonable amount of visitors) can make huge sums of money.
According to (and you can check me out):-
“The top online Poker affiliates in the industry make over $100,000 per month. The average affiliate makes about $10,000 per month.”
And make this statement:-
“Revenues in online poker business rose from $800 million to $2 billion in 1999. By year 2010, it is estimated to be $4 billion.”
Holdem Poker is particularly popular these days and owning a Holdem Poker website can be very lucrative.
There are many types of poker website that you can own, (but not all kinds are for sale) and they tend to fall into the following categories:-
1) Poker Gaming Website (sometimes called Poker Rooms) – where Poker Players actually play poker
2) Content-Rich Poker Affiliate Websites – website with affiliate links to the poker gaming websites
3) Poker Product Websites – offering for sale products related to poker
Of course there are combinations of the above, particularly websites that are both affiliate and product websites.
All poker websites must have a reason for people to visit them and this can be useful information – content websites – or desirable products on sale.
In a moment I’ll go into the three types of poker websites that you could own, but first I want to stress two things essential if you are to have a successful and profitable poker website:-
1) Poker Players Are Very Demanding
This means that your website Must be of top quality both in terms of quality of the information provided and the visual appearance of the site. You won’t be able to attract poker players to an unprofessional looking website full of junk information.
2) Don’t Mix Poker With Other Gambling Subjects
Don’t try to promote Poker items or Poker affiliate links from a site dealing with other gambling subjects, such as roulette, blackjack or general Casino subjects. Poker players often don’t consider poker as gambling and they aren’t responsive to offers made on Gambling websites.
So, to own a successful Poker Website the website must be highly professional and dedicate to poker. If you are promoting Holdem Poker, then you should be looking for poker websites for sale dedicated to Holdem Poker.
Now let’s take a look at the three types of poker website that you might want to own:-
1) Poker Gaming Website – where Poker Players actually play poker (Called Poker Room websites)
These are the most lucrative kinds of website – turning over millions a week – but not surprisingly it is not easy – or cheap – to acquire one. There simply aren’t many for sale.
Quite the opposite, anybody with a decent poker room website would be barking mad to put it on sale, because they will be raking in an absolute fortune every week.
The alternative is to buy, or have custom made, a poker room script (program).
But again this will be very expensive both to buy and to maintain. I have seen a script on sale for $5,000 but it was offered by an individual and not for sale by an established company.
Also with this type of poker website you would need a huge amount of capital and robust ecommerce systems. These kind of websites get huge traffic and you would need very expensive an dedicated servers.
Be prepared for a capital investment of $50,000 if you want to start this kind of poker website.
2) Content-Rich Poker Affiliate Websites – website with affiliate links to the poker gaming websites
This kind of poker website is the just about the simplest and lowest cost website to own.
There are several for sale online and they come in the following categories:-
A) Already Established And Profitable
It is unlikely you will be able to find this kind of poker website for sale unless you have a huge amount of money to invest for the simple reason that I mentioned with poker website type 1). They make so much money that the owner would be crazy to put it up for sale.
B) Build Your Own Poker Website From Scratch
Well, some people have done this. I do it as a profession and because I have been doing it for years I have learned some shortcuts and I have a vast library of information, poker related content and knowledge to draw on.
To build a Holdem poker website for sale would take me a week or more of full time work. I know this because that’s what I do for a living – build websites for sale. I have been doing this for 9 years.
But for a newcomer to website building to build a website from scratch – well that would be a route to extreme frustration and a very steep learning curve.
Quite honestly I wouldn’t recommend it.
C) Buy A Turnkey Holdem Poker Affiliate Website
But there are a few ready-made Holdem poker website for sale if you search for them. There are a number of places you could look, here are a few that sometimes offer poker websites for sale:-
Sitepoint Marketplace
3) Poker Product Websites – offering products related to poker
Poker Product Websites are more difficult to construct than poker affiliate websites because you have to find the poker products to sell.
These are the kind of products you can have for sale on your website:-
Physical products that you buy, put in stock and then re-sell. Not recommended because you will need a lot of capital to buy stock and there is the physical effort of shipping the goods.
This is not so onerous if the products are informational products such as DVDs or CDs. These kind of products are ideal to sell because a) they have a high perceived value b) because the reproduction costs are very low and c) you don’t need an inventory of products – just publish on demand when you make a sale.
These are a great product to have on sale.
Drop shipped products. This means that you take the order for the product online, collect the money and then instruct another company (the drop shipper) to send the product to the customer.
This is OK but the profit margins are not so high as with the CD/DVD models.
Where To Look For Holdem Poker Websites For Sale
I touched on this above and mentioned the following sources:-
Sitepoint Marketplace
Another way to find Holdem poker websites for sale is to type those words into Google.
I hope this little article helps you with your search for Holdem poker websites for sale.