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NFL Gambling Will Favre Appeasement Backfire

NFL wagering oddsmakers still have the Minnesota Vikings pegged to be 1 of the leading contenders to make the Super Bowl for the 2010 NFL wagering year. NFL betting online worries about how the team coddled and appeased quarterback Brett Favre continue to be an intangible NFL wagering issue that is yet to be played out.

For the past 2 seasons the Vikings allowed Favre to skip training camp as well as off year minicamp and workouts. Both in 2009 and this year, Favre was allowed to stay on his Mississippi farm until the last possible instant.

As most Viking officials do acknowledge that the 40-year old quarterback gives them the top chance to win, the Vikings at last sent down three of Favre’s closest teammates to beg him to join the team for the rest of preseason.

Favre is arriving off his greatest year in years and 1 of the greatest of his whole career in betting football.

The Vikings believe they ought to have defeated the New Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship Game as they plainly outgained the ultimate Super Bowl champs but did themselves in with costly turnovers including the most devastating 1 of all when Favre threw a poor interception as the Vikings were attempting to drive for the game winning field goal late in the 4th quarter.

The Vikings concluded the 2009 year in the black with the NFL wagering prospects but might be a prospective overlay in 2010 as a result of the buzz regarding the team as well as much better competition in the NFC.

As the coach reigned in the quarterback who desired a more wide open attack, Favre is rumored to be on bad terms with Minnesota head coach Brad Childress. Childress has been pretty accommodating to Favre, however.

“When the terrain varies, you go with the terrain,” stated Childress. “You look and see what a situation calls for and you do it.” As it’s likely to be Favre’s last year and many other key competitors are reaching their peak, the Vikings are under pressure to beat the NFL wagering odds this year.

Many experts in NFL wagering fear that there might be a team chemistry difficulty with the way that the Vikings have coddled Favre in their eyes. While plenty of pros and NFL executives recognize the star system they believe that the Vikings took it to a ridiculous level and that they’ll pay for it down the line.

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