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Wie Man Beim Online Roulette Die Bank Sprengt


Gewinnmethoden beim online Roulette sind an der Tagesordnung. Es wird mittlerweile, dem Internet sei dank, fast tglich darber berichtet, wie einfach man mit gewissen Systemen beim Roulette gewinnen kann. Man sollte auf jeden Fall bei diesen Methoden vorsichtig sein, denn um beim Roulette spielen dauerhaft erfolgreich zu sein gibt es eine Menge Tipps, die eingehalten werden sollten.

Die einfachste Methode beim Roulette wre, wenn man -sprengt- wrtlich nehmen mchte, mit ein paar Gramm Sprengstoff, aber die ginge beim online Roulette noch nicht einmal. Es gibt kein eindeutiges Rezept, wie man beim Roulette spielen zum Multimillionr wird. Und es ist ein Mr aus Bchern und Filmen, dass man soviel beim Roulette gewinnen kann und ein Casino deshalb Bankrott anmelden msste. Eher ist es umgekehrt. Wenn Sie beim Roulette nicht auf sich selbst aufpassen, wird sehr bald der Gerichtvollzieher vor der Tr stehen. Nicht, weil Sie Ihre Verluste vom Roulette spielen nicht bezahlen knnen, sondern Haus und Hof und auch noch Ihr letztes Hemd eingesetzt haben. Aber die Miete, Strom, Wasser, Gas usw. mssen ja immer noch fr’s eigene berleben bezahlt werden. Wenn man dies durch eine Roulette Glcksspielsucht nicht mehr kann, sieht es dann ganz bitter aus. Fr das Online Roulette wie auch das reale im Spielkasino werden immer wieder totsichere Gewinnsstrategien angepriesen, die einen sehr schnell reich machen sollen. Es wird nur einer reich davon, das Casino und der vorgebliche Erfinder dieser Gewinnstrategie. Beim Roulette spielen im Online Casino, aber auch im real existierenden, haben die Betreiber sogenannte Tischlimits festgelegt. Diese beziehen Sie nicht nur auf den Mindest- oder Hchteinsatz sondern auch, wie viel ein Spieler maximal bei einem Gewinn ausbezahlt bekommt. Hieraus kann man blitzschnell folgern, dass man beim Roulette niemals das Casino in die Pleite treiben kann. Daher werden Sie auch beim online Roulette niemals die in vielen Filmen gesehen Szene erleben, dass ein Spieler, der z. B. eine Millionen gewonnen hat, diese auf eine Zahl setzt und dann 36 Millionen ausbezahlt bekommt. Eine solche Wette wrde vom Croupier, der im Interesse des Betreibers des online Roulette handelt, berhaupt nicht annehmen. Noch ein Wort zu den Gewinnssystemen beim Roulette spielen. Sie alle laufen irgendwie immer auf das altbekannte Madrigale System hinaus. Dieses gaukelt vor, dass man nach dem Gesetz der Zufalls in einer bestimmten Sequenz immer gewinnt. So soll man z. B. 10 auf Schwarz setzen, kommt Schwarz nicht, soll man dann beim Roulette spielen in der nchsten Runde den Einsatz verdoppeln usw.. Dies soll man so lange machen, bis man endlich gewonnen hat. Fachleute zur Behandlung von Spielschtigen nennen dies, seinen Verlusten hinterher laufen. Beim online Roulette sind derartige Systeme nicht gerne gesehen und werden sogar von der Roulette Software sehr schnell erkannt. Wenn Sie beim Roulette spielen ein derartiges System anwenden und erwischt werden, wird Ihr Casino Konto nicht nur gesperrt und das Guthaben eingezogen, sondern Sie werden auch auf eine -Schwarze Liste- gesetzt und knnen dann nie wieder online Roulette spielen.

Maximilian Knecht ist kritischer Autor von Roulette Systemen. Als groer Fan des online Roulette kennt er natrlich die geheimen Tricks der Spieler aber auch der Casinos. Denn viele Systeme, die angeboten werden funktionieren nicht und sollten mit Vorsicht betrachtet werden. Knecht gibt in seinen Artikeln die wirklich wahren Roulette spielen Tipps bekannt.

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Widely Held Blackjack Beliefs That Do Not Work


blackjack players avoid the last seat to the left. It is believed that whoever takes that seat will greatly influence the game’s outcome. Whether this has something to do with the fear of being blamed or take responsibility, many players will rather sit somewhere else. Thus, it became a widely held practice that only veteran or expert players have the right to take the third base position. Surprisingly, this superstition is not exclusive to land-based casinos. This is also manifested in online casinos. However, no scientific basis supports this belief. Unless they are cheating, the player’s seat arrangement can hardly affect the outcome of the whole game.

Hot tables, cold tables In slots gaming, two words have been used to describe these machines. They are either hot or cold. They are hot if it -allow- many players to win and they are cold if all it yields are near misses. The same belief is applied to blackjack tables. Needless to say, players will not play in tables that they believe has turned cold. Again, similar to the previous superstition, there is no truth to this belief. Observing and identifying hot and cold blackjack tables are a total waste of time-not unless the player is also performing -wonging,- which is card counting from a distance and participating only if the odds are favorable.

The bad player In blackjack, some people are stereotyped as the so-called -bad player.- They are the ones who lose more frequently and so other player avoid them. They think that they will be inflicted or affected by the bad luck brought by the bad player. Perhaps this is one of the most disappointing beliefs that some blackjack enthusiasts imbibed. It segregates an individual for something that has no basis at all. All players have their own set of ups and downs and to avoid and tagged somebody as a bad player, does not seem to be very logical.

Making an immediate hit This move is considered rude and disrespectful by some players. This is because the member who does this is said to steal the card of the member sitting right next to him or her. Again, this is no less than a mere superstition. Blackjack is a game based on skills. With proper techniques, players can even beat the house. Therefore, there is no connection between making an immediate hit, stealing another card and losing.

In most cases, superstitions are no less than plain coincidence. Instead of allowing the players to further enjoy the game and become a big winner, unsupported beliefs do the reverse. As mentioned, the key to winning in blackjack is strategy, not some man-made superstitions that have no basis at all. “>Due to blackjack’s popularity, various superstitions have been formed about it. Here are some of the famous notions that many blackjack aficionados fervently follow and practice.

The last seat to the left Also known as the third base position, most blackjack players avoid the last seat to the left. It is believed that whoever takes that seat will greatly influence the game’s outcome. Whether this has something to do with the fear of being blamed or take responsibility, many players will rather sit somewhere else. Thus, it became a widely held practice that only veteran or expert players have the right to take the third base position. Surprisingly, this superstition is not exclusive to land-based casinos. This is also manifested in online casinos. However, no scientific basis supports this belief. Unless they are cheating, the player’s seat arrangement can hardly affect the outcome of the whole game.

Hot tables, cold tables In slots gaming, two words have been used to describe these machines. They are either hot or cold. They are hot if it -allow- many players to win and they are cold if all it yields are near misses. The same belief is applied to blackjack tables. Needless to say, players will not play in tables that they believe has turned cold. Again, similar to the previous superstition, there is no truth to this belief. Observing and identifying hot and cold blackjack tables are a total waste of time-not unless the player is also performing -wonging,- which is card counting from a distance and participating only if the odds are favorable.

The bad player In blackjack, some people are stereotyped as the so-called -bad player.- They are the ones who lose more frequently and so other player avoid them. They think that they will be inflicted or affected by the bad luck brought by the bad player. Perhaps this is one of the most disappointing beliefs that some blackjack enthusiasts imbibed. It segregates an individual for something that has no basis at all. All players have their own set of ups and downs and to avoid and tagged somebody as a bad player, does not seem to be very logical.

Making an immediate hit This move is considered rude and disrespectful by some players. This is because the member who does this is said to steal the card of the member sitting right next to him or her. Again, this is no less than a mere superstition. Blackjack is a game based on skills. With proper techniques, players can even beat the house. Therefore, there is no connection between making an immediate hit, stealing another card and losing.

In most cases, superstitions are no less than plain coincidence. Instead of allowing the players to further enjoy the game and become a big winner, unsupported beliefs do the reverse. As mentioned, the key to winning in blackjack is strategy, not some man-made superstitions that have no basis at all.

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Why To Gamble Online


Enjoy gambling in the comfort of your homes,- this is what gambling online sites are promoting nowadays. Giving a cut-throat competition to the traditional casinos, the online casinos are gaining popularity with each passing day and gratifying the gamblers by offering much more than just quintessential gambling services.

Ever since the concept of civilization came into existence, gambling was witnessed and enjoyed in every era as a royal game. Even today, gambling is rolling in its full charm and captivating the gambling and betting enthusiasts in large. However, there is a tad change in the overall concept and all the credit for that goes to these online gambling casinos, in which great gamblers are showing their latest interest.

It’s obvious that if people are switching over to the online casinos, then there must be some advantages associated with these gambling online sites. But in case if you are unaware of those inevitable benefits related to these online gambling casinos, then simply read on…

No Specific Rules to be followed: All you need to get an access of these online gambling casinos is a computer and an internet connection. On the World Wide Web, there are myriad gambling online sites calling you to try out your luck. However, the best part is, the online casinos are easy to navigate and highly user friendly. Moreover, a user also doesn’t need any expertise in computer to operate these gambling online sites. In addition, there are no specific rules meant to be followed by the gamblers and they even don’t stand under any kind of obligation. No tuxedos, no ties, no suits are required to play on the online casinos. Free Trials: Play online casino whenever you want is another great advantage coupled with the online gambling casinos. Fortunately, if you even don’t have money in hand, simply get on to any gambling online site and select the free trial option, in which you even have chances to win if your luck is that strong. So it’s undoubtedly an incredible benefit that gamblers can’t even think of having at any of the casinos in Las Vegas. Awesome Playing Environment: For many people, playing on the online casinos is much more comfortable than driving to the nearby casino wearing lavish suits and boots. But at the online gambling sites, you don’t need to appear rich as all you need is the skills and proper information regarding the platform you have chosen to play on.

The content has been prepared by an online gambling casino expert who is researching on the gambling online sites and the online casinos since past six months. The content is entirely based on the personal experiences.

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