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The Street Roulette System

This roulette system is designed only for real casinos. We will take advantage of some streets and lines that hit consistently. This fact always happens in real casino in different wheels and depending on the wheel it happens with more or less degree of deviation. To find out why you always will win on real casinos, to find out why each real wheel is different, to take the maximum advantage of the real casino play and to optimize biased wheels play at maximum we will use the -ALE-K Personal Roulette System-, but thats another story… In the meantime you can make small profits with the Street & Line finder. Bet selection You will need to take note of the last 37 numbers (or 38 numbers in a double zero wheel) in order to be able to make the bet selection. Street selection You have to select the street that hits more times. If you have two or three streets that hits the same number of times and those are the streets that hits more times, you will select those two or three streets. Don’t play more than 3 streets. Line selection You have to select the line that hits more times. Could be any line (example could be the line that includes 1,2,3,4,5,6 or could be the line that includes 4,5,6,7,8,9). In this selection you have to select only one line. If two or more lines hit the same number of times and those are the lines that hits more times, in this case you don’t bet. Attacking You have three options: 1)Bet only the street (or streets) 2)Bet only the line 3)Bet at the same time both the street (or streets) and the line You have to bet for 36 spins. If you have profits before the spin 36, stop betting and start a new session. Money management This system is designed for using flat bets (no progression). But you could use progression between sessions for faster recovery and take advantage of winning streaks. You can use the progression you are confortable with. Example of progression you could use: Fibonacci: 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34 Martingale: 1-2-4-8-16-32-64 D’Alembert: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13… You will have two options when using progression: Winning progression The progression is increased when you had a winning session and is decreased when you had a losing session. It could be decreased one step in the progression or it could start all over again. Losing progression The progression is increased when you had a losing session and is decreased when you had a winning session. It could be decreased one step in the progression or it could start all over again. Bankroll For flat bets the bankroll is 36 units for each street and 36 units for the line. For progression the bankroll depends on the progression. Examples First we write down 37 numbers: 15-32-18-24-8-33-32-29-33-10-11-18-22-7-24-24-14-20-9-19-36-6-16-7-27-14-36-8-12-12-2-7-23-6-15-15-20 Then we select the street that hits more times, it’s #3 (7,8,9) that hits six times. Also we select the line that hits more times, it’s #3 (7,8,9,10,11,12) that hits ten times. Have fun playing this system for roulette. Good luck!

Find out new ideas for roulette systems and strategy at the gambling system website.

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