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To Increase Your Blackjack Winnings You Must Comprehend Blackjack Odds

If you really want to increase your chances of winning when you are playing blackjack, you must learn and comprehend the odds as well as the basic strategy that is associated with the game. Your understanding of the following odds tables will certainly enhance your potential profitability while you’re playing the game of blackjack.

The initial chart that is displayed will give you some idea as to how often that you can expect to be dealt a hand within a specific range of values. As you can easily see, you’ll only be dealt a blackjack approximately 4.8% of the time while you’re playing. That means that you can expect to be dealt a blackjack about every 21 hands on average. Approximately 30% of the time you will be dealt two cards that will have a total hard value somewhere between 17 and 20. Then 38.7% of the time you’ll be dealt a hand between 4 and 16, which could be either a hard or soft total. These hands will require you to make a decision that’s based on the up card of the dealer.

* A Soft Total is a hand that contains an Ace.
* A Hard Total is a hand that does not contain an Ace.

It is quite important for you to know the possibility of busting your hand when taking a hit. The odds chart below will provide you that particular information. For example, if your two cards total 15, you will have a 58% chance of busting your hand if you should take another card and 62% if you take another card on 16. The more that these charts are studied, the more you will appreciate the fact that the game of blackjack isn’t that easy to win.

The Player’s Bust Rate is Calculated by the Total Hand Value of the Player

* 92%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 20
* 85%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 19
* 77%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 18
* 69%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 17
* 62%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 16
* 58%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 15
* 56%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 14
* 39%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 13
* 31%… if the Player’s Hand Value Totals: 12

The next chart demonstrates the probabilities of the dealer’s hand busting which is based upon the up card of the dealer. As you can easily see, the dealer’s highest percentage decreases when the dealer has a 5 or a 6. Both of these cards are not created equal. If the up card of the dealer is a 6, then the dealer’s other card could possibly be an Ace. If this was the case, the dealer would have 17 and would not take a hit. If the dealer’s up card is a 5, the dealer will always have to take another card.

The Bust Rate of the Dealer is Based on the Dealer’s Up Card

* 35%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 2
* 37%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 3
* 40%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 4
* 42%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 5
* 42%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 6
* 26%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 7
* 24%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 8
* 23%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 9
* 23%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: 10
* 17%… if Dealer’s Up Card is: Ace

This last chart illustrates the probabilities of the final hand of the dealer which you will have to beat if you are going to win. 12.1% of the time the dealer’s final hand will be 21. The total percentage of these possible hands is 71.3%. That means the dealer should bust approximately 28.7% of the time. If you didn’t bust when you were playing, you would have undeniably won all of those hands.

The Dealer’s Final Hand Probabilities

* 04.8%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 21 with a Blackjack
* 07.3%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 21 with 3 or More Cards
* 17.5%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 20
* 13.4%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 19
* 13.8%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 18
* 14.5%… the Dealer’s Final Hand will be: 17

To visit our website and learn more about how to win when playing blackjack click here now. Ray Zimmerman is the author of the Blackjack Card Counting Pro software program which has been awarded a 5 Star rating for excellence. Please click here if you want to win when playing blackjack.

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