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Using Trust Deed Scotland Services For Gambling Related Insolvency

Gambling is a rising problem in the United Kingdom with around five hundred thousand suffering from a gambling addiction. Almost 1,000,000 more people were reported as being at-risk of joining the problem-gambling section of society according to Gambling Commission research. As trust deed Scotland specialists our experience of the issue closely mimics the research that has been assembled. We see increasing quantities of men and early 20-somethings burdened by gambling debts.

Our team at Trust-Deed.co.uk have been taking a particular interest in the gambling question and have performed our own review of the new research. Gamcare (the problem-gambling charity) and the Money Advice Trust initiated the study in 2008/2009 conducted by Manchester Metropolitan University. The research concluded that gambling issues will often create debts in excess of 50,000 and that minimal awareness exists regarding how to direct gamblers that are suffering to useful help. Debts which exceed 50,000 are relatively common amongst people searching for trust deed Scotland help and advice – it’s not unheard of for gambling to be a key part of the fundamental cause.

As trust deed Scotland specialists we regularly confront situations in which we need to direct our clients towards sources that are in a position to help them come to terms and overcome their gambling problems or other problems. Drinking, gambling, drugs, shopping addiction, every single one of these problems are often seen causes that underlie our clients’ debts. A Scottish trust deed is not a straightforward matter of setting up a debt solution, working through the deep-seated difficulties which created the original debt is also crucial.

One difficulty for trust deeds Scotland advisers is that people struggling with a gambling issue regularly find it hard to access relevant guidance and help. Gamcare information has demonstrated that, for example, NHS staff frequently know little about good help sources for gamblers. This is a serious issue because a GP might often be the first point of contact in such a situation. As a result, a dedicated charity for example Gamcare is regularly the place to which trust deed Scotland teams will signpost a debtor with gambling debts where it is appropriate for their situation.

If you have got a gambling problem and insolvency, you could still access trust deed Scotland advice. In some circumstances individuals may discover that they are asked to provide proof that they are getting support and making progress with any gambling problems before a trust deed Scotland adviser can go forward with the trust deed. By combining professional assistance for gambling problems with trust deed Scotland help, a debtor can work to overcome both the core reason behind the addiction and the severe financial burden of mounting debts.

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